© Khalili Family Trust © Khalili Family Trust © Khalili Family Trust

This item has been added to the Database within the Explore Islamic Art Collections project. Information is available in: English, Arabic.

Name of Object:

Album of calligraphic specimens


London, United Kingdom

Holding Museum:

Khalili Family Trust – Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art

About Khalili Family Trust – Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, London

Date of Object:

17th – early 18th century

Museum Inventory Number:

MSS 1073

Material(s) / Technique(s):

Ink, gold and opaque watercolour on paper; folios edged and backed with yellow silk; bound in lacquer-painted covers


60 folios; 40.5 x 32cm (folio)

Period / Dynasty:



India; some specimens signed by various calligraphers; others with later attributions


The calligraphic panels, which are copied in naskhi, thuluth and riqa‘, are arranged in matching pairs with identical illumination, and mounted on double-page spreads splendidly decorated with patterns drawn from Mughal enamels or pietra dura work. The album bears a note to the effect that it is to calligraphy what the albums of Jahangir, the greatest connoisseur of the Mughal emperors, were to painting. It was very likely put together for Awrangzeb (r. 1658–1707), the first Mughal emperor of unimpeachable Muslim orthodoxy, who favoured calligraphy rather than painting. This magnificent presentation of the work of Indian scribes active in his reign gives a vivid impression of the restrained elegance of his court.
Originally bound as a concertina album in lacquer-painted covers, the album was rebound as a codex in Europe, sometime in the early 20th century.

How date and origin were established:

Many of the individual panels are signed by or attributed to calligraphers active during the reign of the Mughal emperor Awrangzeb, and the album was most likely put together for him.

Selected bibliography:

Rogers, J.M., The Arts of Islam. Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection, London: Thames & Hudson, 2010: cat.270, pp.234–5.

Citation of this web page:

 "Album of calligraphic specimens" in Explore Islamic Art Collections. Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://islamicart.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;EPM;uk;Mus21;49;en

MWNF Working Number: UK1 49


 Artistic Introduction

 Timeline for this item

Islamic Dynasties / Period


On display in

MWNF Galleries

Calligraphy Manuscripts


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