Ceiling fragment
Fez, Morocco
Batha Museum
Hegira 747 / AD 1346–7
45. 103
Joined, carved and painted cedarwood.
Length 285 cm, width 125.5 cm, depth 7.7 cm
Al-Misbahiya Madrasa, Fez.
This trapezoidal side fragment of a ceiling consists of a series of small wooden planks and strips arranged in a pre-set geometric pattern to make a three-dimensional mosaic and cover the joists and beams of the ceiling. Its repetitive geometric composition follows a theme based on an eight-pointed star developing into rectilinear knotwork that forms various different shapes: hexagons, seven-pointed stars and cruciform nodes. The interstices formed by the knotwork are either filled by pieces with chamfered edges that protrude slightly above the knotwork lines, or left empty.
The lines of the knotwork have a central groove and are painted with a red line next to a white braid on the inside and a green transparent fillet on the outside. The bottoms of the hollow shapes are covered with a coat of red paint on top of a white base coat. The surfaces of the pieces in relief that are not covered with a base coat are surrounded by chamfers consisting of a red background and a white coat marked with small alternating blue and red zigzags.
The very balanced compositions, alternating filled and empty spaces, and the decoration based on contrasting colours make this fragment of a ceiling from al-Misbahiya Madrasa in Fez particularly interesting. Known as trough or jefna in Morocco and artesonado in Spain, this type of ceiling was already used in Almohad times. It was very popular in Marinid times for covering prayer rooms.
The well-balanced composition of wooden planks and battens arranged in a geometric design with alternating filled and empty spaces, as well as areas of decoration based on colour contrasts, make this fragment of ceiling, known as jefna, particularly interesting.
Same date as the madrasa it came from.
Salvaged following the restoration of the madrasa.
Fragment salvaged from a ceiling of the monument.
Cambazard-Amahan, C., 6000 d'art au Maroc, catalogue, Paris, 1990.
Gallotti, J., Le jardin et la maison arabes au Maroc, Vol. I, Paris, 1926.
Terrasse, Ch., Médersas du Maroc, Paris, 1927.
Andalusian Morocco: A Discovery in Living Art, pp.104–6.
Naima El Khatib-Boujibar "Ceiling fragment" in Discover Islamic Art, Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://islamicart.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;ISL;ma;Mus01_C;24;en
MWNF Working Number: MO 29
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