Al-Franj: the Crusaders in the Levant
Culture in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem
“‘The height of this iron fence which encloses the rock is two fathoms.’”
Another contemporary historian and traveller, al-Hurawy (d. 611 / 1215) recalls seeing the Crusader metal grille around the rock: ‘I saw this rock at the time of the Franks; it was north of this dome [of the Aqsa Mosque] and was surrounded by an iron fence like a house is. The height of this iron fence which encloses the rock is two fathoms’.
Metal grille/enclosure

Hegira 6th century / AD 12th century
Islamic Museum, al-Aqsa Mosque / al-Haram al-Sharif
An example of ironwork imported from Europe, this grille once formed a fence around the venerated Rock located at the centre of the Dome of the Rock.