Pleasures and Celebrations at Court
‘The Fatimids enjoyed the outdoor life, keeping well-maintained gardens and orchards.’
The Fatimids enjoyed the outdoor life, keeping well-maintained gardens and orchards. Visitors were invited to walk in the grounds to enjoy the decorative fountains and sounds of running water. Some royal residences had menageries that accommodated a variety of exotic animals and birds. Beyond the palace gates, royal and upper-class society pursued a variety of sports including hunting and horsemanship. Birds, hares and gazelles were pursued for sport using birds of prey, dogs and horses. Polo, mace-striking and spear-throwing were other favourite sports.
Ivory casket

Hegira 5th–6th centuries / AD 11th–12th centuries
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Both utilitarian and expensive objects were decorated with motifs relating to the natural world: gardens, orchards and the wilderness.