Geometric Decoration
Geometric Decoration in Textiles
‘The decoration used in some fabrics is similar to that seen in tiling and plasterwork.’
The decoration used in some fabrics resembles that seen in tiling and plasterwork used on the walls of buildings. It sometimes even shares the system used to divide the decorated area, with the epigraphic bands on the edges of the fabric corresponding to the epigraphic friezes that crown geometric plinths. This type of decoration arises from the development of interlacing, the designs of which are star-shaped, polygonal, lobed and other motifs.
Silk textile with geometric pattern

Hegira 8th–9th / AD 14th–15th century
Victoria and Albert Museum
London, England, United Kingdom
The knot-work line (in this case a yellow band) creates a number of colourful geometric motifs in red, blue, green, white and yellow.