Mudéjar Ceramics
'The techniques, decoration and the forms of Nasrid pieces were all copied.'
The first Mudéjar ceramics were direct copies of Nasrid ceramics, to such an extent that it is difficult to determine the origin of certain pieces. The techniques (gilded ceramic with cobalt blue), decoration (palms, stalks, palmettes and shoots) and the forms of Nasrid pieces were all copied. Although the Nasrid pieces were usually unique, luxury and exclusive items, the Mudéjar copies were produced for a much wider clientele. Later, the need to adapt to their customers' changing tastes forced Mudéjar potters to revise their repertoire of forms, to incorporate Gothic and Renaissance elements, and to adopt Christian iconography.
Second quarter of the hegira 9th / AD 15th century Nasrid
Victoria and Albert Museum London, England, United Kingdom
The Nasrid and Mudéjar bowls are both good examples of such imitation. In both pieces, the main motif is a ship and the technique used is lustre, although cobalt blue also appears inside the bowl. The Mudéjar jar clumsily copies the shape of the Nasrid piece, and while this latter is decorated with the tree of life, the Mudéjar piece bears very simple geometric decoration.