Abbasid Egypt
‘Fustat – on the eastern bank of the Nile and south of Cairo – was the main commercial capital.’
Egypt was directly ruled by the Abbasids between 132 and 358 / 750 and 969. Its agricultural and commercial activities provided valuable revenues, and its location acted as a gate to North Africa. A governor supported by an army and an administrative elite, was appointed to manage Egypt. Fustat – on the eastern bank of the River Nile and south of Cairo – was the main commercial capital. The city still had a majority population of Coptic Christians and the Mosque of ‘Amr Ibn al-‘As was the main place of worship for Muslims. The governor and his army occupied the ‘Asakir district adjacent to Fustat.
Textile fragment
Hegira 193–8 / AD 809–13 Abbasid
Museum of Islamic Art Cairo, Egypt
The oldest surviving example of an official tiraz textile produced at the highly respected workshops of Fustat, which was patronised by the court and government. This piece was made in the name of Caliph al-'Amin (r. 193–8 / 809–13).