Water Management
‘It was crucial to devise ways of channelling naturally occurring springs and collecting rainwater.’
In order to withstand the aridity of the region it was crucial to devise ways of channelling naturally occurring springs and collecting rainwater for later usage. This was particularly important along the pilgrimage routes, at the khans, caravanserais and wikalas along the route, and it was the duty of the Muslim governor to ensure a water supply was available, and that travel to sacred destinations was safe.
Solomon's Pools

The construction of the first and second pools dates to the second half of the 1st century BC. The third, lower pool was built between hegira 865–72 / AD 1461–7
The first and second pools date to the Roman period, the third dates to the Mamluk period
Bethlehem, Palestine*
A huge water reservoir, made up of three connecting pools that had immense capacity for collecting water, and which was then carried by aqueduct to Jerusalem.