Al-Franj: the Crusaders in the Levant
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
‘Travel and pilgrimage to and through the Holy Land was hazardous even in times of peace.’
During the Crusader period the Levant was divided up into a number of rival city states. Some of these were Crusader principalities, while local rulers governed others. This meant that travel and pilgrimage to and through the Holy Land was hazardous even in times of peace and particularly dangerous during the Crusader period. Despite these difficulties there were plenty of resolute travellers determined to reach the Holy Land.
Pilgrim bottle

Hegira 7th century / AD 13th century
Ayyubid / early Mamluk
Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities (Medelhavsmuseet)
Stockholm, Sweden
An unglazed earthenware pilgrim's flask typically carried by travellers and pilgrims.