Water Usage: Drinking and Washing
‘Unglazed pottery jugs with openwork filters in their necks provided cool, clean water.’
Water was boiled for cooking or other uses in large, metal tripod cauldrons or in smaller metal-footed containers. If a stew or soup was being prepared in a cauldron, it was transferred for serving and eating into metal or glazed-ceramic bowls. Drinking-water was consumed from glass goblets with carved, moulded, enamelled or gilded decoration. Additionally, unglazed pottery jugs with openwork filters in the neck provided cool, clean water; the porous material of the jug filtered the water inside and by allowing the air to circulate kept the contents cool.

About hegira 914 / AD 1510
Victoria and Albert Museum
London, England, United Kingdom
Given the massive size and the shape of this Ottoman ceramic bowl, there has been some debate with regard to its function. While it may have been used for dining, some experts have suggested that it had a more ritual function, and that it was used for washing feet.