Berlin, Germany
Hegira 1st–2nd century / AD 7th–8th century, Umayyad or Abbasid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 1st–2nd centuries/ AD 7th-8th centuries, Umayyad
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Decorative stone with stylised scrollwork and pomegranates
Around Hegira 86–96 / AD 705–15, Umayyad, period of Caliph al-Walid I (r. c. AH 86–96 / AD 705–15)
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Façade of the Palace of Mushatta
Probably Hegira first half of the 2nd century/ AD 8th century, c. AH 125–6 / AD 743–4, Umayyad
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Reign of Caliph al-Walid I Hegira 86–96 / AD 705–715, probably after AH 92 / AD 711, Umayyad
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Lion from the Palace of Mushatta
Hegira 125–6 / AD 743–4, Umayyad
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Fragment of a female statue from Mushatta
Around hegira 125–6 / AD 743–4, Umayyad
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 3rd century / AD 9th century, Abbasid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Fragment of a monumental inscription from a gravestone
Hegira 3rd–4th centuries / AD 9th–10th centuries, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 4th–5th centuries / 10th–11th centuries, Fatimid or Norman
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira mid-4th century / AD mid-10th century (AH 300–50 / AD 912–61), Andalusian Caliphate
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Fragment of an inscription plaque
Hegira 4th–5th century / AD 10th–11th century, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 5th–6th centuries / AD 11th–12th centuries, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 5th–6th century / AD 11th–12th century, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 5th century / AD 11th century, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 4th–5th / AD 11th–12th centuries, Fatimid or Norman
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 5th–6th centuries / AD 11th–12th centuries, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 5th century / AD 11th century, Fatimid
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 427–87 / AD 1036–94, Fatimid; reign of Al-Mustansir billah
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
Hegira 435 / AD 1044, Taifa Kingdoms
Museum of Islamic Art at the Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany